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About Me

999463_10201979646755705_1315195053_nMy name is Brooke Baum and I am from Portland, Ore. I am a senior at the University of Oregon pursuing a degree in public relations and a minor in business administration .

Currently, I am the social media intern for American Marketing Association in Portland and an assistant student supervisor for the University of Oregon Scheduling Office.

As graduation approaches in June 2014, I hope to enter the real world as a professional in sports or consumer public relations. My interests include social media, reading, health, sports, hospitality and food.

Through my internships, classes and leadership roles, I have developed a passion for success and strong work ethic.

I am excited to begin my journey in the PR world and continue to grow and learn through each new experience.

“All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.” – Walt Disney.

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